Pat Friesen is a nationally recognized copywriter/content developer, creative strategist, and speaker/trainer. Author of The Cross-Channel Copywriting Handbook, Pat has over 30 years of experience generating sales and leads using traditional and new media including direct mail, email, Web sites, blogs and other marketing channels.
Professional Accomplishments | Professional
Affiliations and Contributions
Partial Client
List | Writing Experience
Professional Accomplishments
- National DMA’s Gold Echo Award
- Honored three times with "Best of Show,” KCDMA Gold Ambits
- Past President, KCDMA
- Former board member of UMKC's Center for Direct Marketing
- Former board member of Kansas City’s Direct Marketing Educational Foundation
- Recognized as industry leader by Women's Direct Response Group of New York
- First woman Direct Marketer of the Year, KCDMA
- Friesen's strategic approach to writing copy has become the foundation for control-beating copy/creative for the American Academy of Family Physicians, Daily Word, Fingerhut, Old American Insurance, Fred Pryor Seminars, North American Membership Group, Cushman Fruit, and the Missouri Auction School.
- Contact Pat
Professional Affiliations and Contributions
- Direct Marketing Association Member
- Lifetime Member of the Kansas City Data-Driven Marketing Association
- Direct marketing speaker and workshop leader presenting programs for the national DMA, Canadian DMA, Exhibitor Show, New England DMA, DMA of Washington, D.C., KCDMA, and in-house training for companies across North America
- University guest lecturer at UMKC, Avila, William Jewell, and other colleges and universities
- Columnist for Target Marketing, one of the country's leading marketing publications
- Contact Pat
Partial Client List
AAA Life Insurance
American Century
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Books on Tape
Century 21
Christie Brinkley's
Beyond Beauty Newsletter
Continental Bank of New Jersey
Daily Word Magazine
Hallmark Flowers
Helzberg Diamonds
Impromptu Gourmet
Jack Stack Barbecue
Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City Royals
Maupintour Travel
MMG Worldwide
National Seminars
Novo Nordisk
On Campus Marketing
Peruvian Connection
Procter & Gamble
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
See's Candies
Uniformed Services
Benefit Association
as well as traditional and interactive
ad agencies and their clients
View Full Client List
Writing Experience
- Write for SEO, blogs, email, direct mail, web, catalog and space advertising.
- In-house and agency direct response experience as a copywriter/creative strategist
- In-house experience includes Current Stationery, Fingerhut, Walter Drake & Sons, Forrest T. Jones & Company/Fidelity Security Life Insurance, BHN Advertising, and 10 years as Partner/Principal Creative Director for J. Schmid & Assoc.
- Clients include catalogers, publishers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and e-tailers
- Sold consumer, industrial & professional products/services including those targeted at the college market, insurance, health care, consulting, social expression, travel, gourmet food, real estate, designer fashions, publishing, financial, toys, telecommunications, seminars, agriculture & more.
- The focus of Pat Friesen & Company, LLC, is the development of strong creative strategies communicated through well-chosen words to generate measurable response for 2-step lead generation, 1-step sales, online traffic generation, and customer/member/patient retention.
- Professional references available upon request, Contact Pat