Praise for Pat
"You may be asking yourself ...should I hire Pat to write great copy that engages my customers by telling them the story of what makes our products better? Or should I hire Pat to teach, coach, and share her years of experience with our team to improve their writing skills? From my experience, the answer is YES! to both. Pat is a sharp copywriter, leader, and teacher who can immediately transform your marketing messages."
Jenny Super, Dickies/Williamson-Dickie Mfg. Co.
"I have reviewed the 'Pat Friesen Mailing Package' you wrote for our client; I like it very much. It is crisp, well written and follows our tried and true formula. I think this test package has an excellent chance for successfully beating the 20-year control...I hope you won't consider this to be a jinx, but I am putting a 'can't miss' tag on you."
Bob Stone, Founder, Stone & Adler and Internationally Respected Direct Marketing Copywriter
"Professional, creative, talented, a great collaborator, Pat is one of my favorite copywriters to work with. No matter what the challenge, Pat rises to the occasion and provides my clients with copy that advances their business goals and adds revenue to their bottom line."
Jeanne S. Jennings, Email Marketing Consultant/Author of The Email Marketing Kit (SitePoint)
"Pat, after seeing so much inadequate, uninformed, and obvious commentary on the blending of DM and brand, here at last was a clear, bright, and on-target commentary in Target Marketing -- your column. Nice job!"
Herschell Gordon Lewis, Internationally Respected Direct Marketing Copywriter/Author
"One of the greatest freelance direct mail writers is Pat Friesen in Kansas City. Friesen’s inviolate rule: Your best lead is somewhere in the middle of page 2 of the first draft of your letter."
Denny Hatch, Denny Hatch's Business Common Sense
"I've known Pat for 20 years and am constantly amazed and impressed with her ability to think strategically and, at the same time, understand how the customer she's writing to thinks. It's rare to find someone with a creative mind who also has the ability to do this. Pat loves her work and it shows in the results she generates. We've used Pat's copy for many years and appreciate her attention to detail, her creativity and her dedication to excellence...while meeting our deadlines. "
Lois Boyle Brayfield, President, J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
"Pat Friesen is nothing if not well-informed, passionate, and articulate. She packed about a semester's worth of information into six hours of non-stop, rapid-fire delivery."
Barbara Loots, Hallmark
"This is a fan letter. I'm a direct mail copywriter who's done packages for Rodale, Boardroom, and bundles of investment and health newsletter publishers. I'm also an avid collector of books and writings about copywriting and advertising -- some of which go back 100 years. So, it's not often that I find contemporary writing about copywriting that makes me take out my pen and start taking notes. But when I do, I very often find your name at the end of it. Thanks for sharing so many good insights and ideas."
David Deutsch, Master Copywriter
"We loved the recent article you did on direct mail and branding. It finally said what needed to be said, and it did it perfectly. Thank you."
Doug King, United States Postal Service
"I just read your article; what fine reminders. Thanks for being such a consistent force for good in the industry."
Brendan Horan, The Envelope Man
"It was great being in your DM Basics workshop. You are very energetic and present the information in a relevant manner. I know what I learned will be very helpful in working with my customers."
Brian Haines, MCH
"I have been reading your direct mail strategy column in Target Marketing for some time and really like your practical approach to direct mail. Thanks for your good ideas."
Mike Kasun, K-Sun Corp.
"Just in case I haven't told you this before -- in the 50 years we have been selling insurance, this is the BEST letter ever created for us! Thanks. You're the greatest!"
Betty Freeman, AAFP Insurance Services
"The dust has settled just a bit, so I wanted to thank you for your fine work on the catalog. We are all pleased with the fresh creativity in your copy work and feel it added greatly to our unique presentation."
Scott Anderson, Pioneer Flour Mill
"Thanks again for the excellent copy."
Stephen Tucker, Fatigue Busters
"When I need better results from my direct mail and website copy, I call Pat Friesen. Not only does she produce big returns with low investments for's refreshing to work with a top-notch marketing expert who is NOT an arrogant weirdo! If you've worked with marketing gurus for over 20 years like I have, you know what I mean. If you need more leads, sales, clients or patients...for less Pat."
John Young, Clockwork Services, Inc.
"It looks like you have another winner. Across the nation, your two new packages have outperformed the control."
Harold Mann, Forethought
"I've known Pat as a co-worker, consultant, friend. To know her in one arena is to appreciate her in all -- she is consistent in her integrity and channeling her wisdom and energy into nurturing successful outcomes. And what an encourager!"
Rose Mary Harris, Concept Designer/Writer, Really Woolly™ Cards
"We all appreciate your flexible, no-problem approach to writing our copy."
Kathy Calderbank, American Stationery